Friday 28 June 2019

See you (post 10)

Hi everybody how are you? I am very stressed with the semester term since I have too many tests. I suppose you do too.
This is the last post and I want to make an account of my experience blogging: well, I had never used a blog although I had read them before. The truth was a good experience because the teacher gave us entertaining topics and it was interesting to also meet her. In addition classmates are from different races and generations, so it is interesting to know them through their stories in the blogs we wrote. I also liked the idea of ​​writing a bit about myself because I feel I have a lot to say. I hope that you have been able to understand the love I have for animals and respect for the planet and that they can share it.
I am also happy to stop writing blogs because sometimes I felt lazy writing hahah for example now I would like to be sleeping :) yesterday I forgot to write the post 9 just for being sleeping :( the semester term has me very tired.
I hope everyone can approve their bouquets and have a good holiday. See you soon!

Friday 14 June 2019

Subjects of this semester

Hi :) in this post I will write about my subjects in this semester. This is my nineth semester and I have six subjects: English communication III, Organic recycling, General physics, Production Management and Postproduction of Fruit Trees I, Practice's degree IV and Soil physics.

My favourite subject right now is Soil physics because I think this theme is very interesting, we have so much practical activities and I love it because it's easier to learn in this way. The professor is Oscar Seguel, he is and expert in soil and he sympathizes a lot with me because we share the love for dogs haha :)
Organic recycling is my other subject favourite because the teacher took us to see a composting plant and I loved it. Most of the time she teaches us how to recycle organic waste.

Production Management and Postproduction of Fruit Trees I better known as "Fruti I" it's a subject that I'm studying for th second time :( but I mention it because this time I have learned a lot about fruit growing and I find it very interesting, unlike last year, which I did not like and therefore I did not study it.

Courage, companions, there is little left for the end!

Thursday 13 June 2019

Miguel Altieri

Hi guys, today I will write about Miguel Altieri. He is an agronomist and entomologist. He studied in Antumapu! Miguel Altieri was born in 1968 and he is fifty years today.

Actually Altieri is an academic of agroecology at the University of California, in the USA. I admire him because is an advocate of sustainable agriculture and is highly critical of large agribusiness corporations such as Cargill, Monsanto and ADM. He has conducted most of his research in California and Chile working clasely with farmers and workers to implement principles of integrated pest management, intercropping, cover cropping, crop-field border vegetation manipulation, and other sustainable practices of biological control. He has been teaching courses in agroecology, agroforestry and urban agriculture in United States.Altieri is the author of more than 200 publications, and numerous books including Agroecology: The Science of Sustainable Agriculture and Biodiversity, Pest Management in Agroecosystems and Agroecology and the Search for a Truly Sustainable Agriculture. I really recomended to you read any this books!

I think we need more agronomists like that, because he cares about the planet and he tries to reduce the environmental impact of agriculture. I would feel very lucky to go to his class, it is my impossible dream hahaha.

See you in the next post. :)

Thursday 6 June 2019


Hi everyone. Today I talks about my opinion of permaculture. Previously I listened about permaculture but I had not paid attention because I did not understand the difference with agroecology or organic agriculture. But with the video "7 Food Forests in 7 minutes with Geoff Lawton" I understood it. :D
I liked so much permaculture because is respectful with environmental and I love it. My mom have a land in south of Chile and I'd like seed fruit trees and crops from etic permaculture in that place.
Basically, permaculture search seed trees and crops and form a stable forest. That is, a forest does not need our help. In the video, the subject does inoculate with Rhizobium the soil to legume crops can does release Nitrogen in their nodules to the rest crops and trees, from this form we don't need apply agrochemistry to soil. There are so much forms to respect the environmental!
We need preserved the planet for the next generations and permaculture is good for that. <3
See you.

Thursday 30 May 2019

My favourite photograph

Hi bloggers: well, I don't like it so much photograph because I don´t have idea what face to put. But, I love this because it represent me. From left to right: my self, Melisa, Camila and Benjamín. This photo was taken in March 2018. Other partner took the photograph, her name is Viviana That day we talks about animals and its responsible possesion to Mechones. It was a good day because I feel we did a change in their mind. We were looking a good world for all the animals starting by the dogs's this faculty.
The people in this picture are from EPA. EPA is an student organization for the animals. This group looking home for the dogs present in Antumapu and wellness's animals in general because we believe the animals have right to live in peace and all dogs should have a nice family.

Thursday 18 April 2019

My dream

Hi classmates and teacher:

In this post I talk about my dream's child. When I was 10 years old I rescue a baby dog from the street.  I take care of them but this dog was very sick. Finally the dog die. From then on I rescued and adopted a lot of cats and dogs because I discovered my love for the animals. Since I decided study veterinary medicine. When I go to high school, I thought if I study veterinary medicine, I don't has sufficient money for live because I want help the animals not collect for that. Then I decided to study  a "green" career. In first option was Ingenería en medio ambiente, but in PSU 2013 I don't has a sufficient score. In 2014 I take PSU again but my score was not sufficient again. Then I looked others careers. I finally decided to study Agriculturist in University of Chile.
My dream for the animals it's living in me today. I want to study Tecnical veterinay when I finish the agriculturist career.

Wednesday 17 April 2019

My autobiography

Hi bloggers: this is my autobiography. I'll leave talking about my family. My mom's  name is María and my dad's name is Luis. I has a sister her name is Mariam. My sister is 21 years old actually and she study Computing. I study agriculturist, this is my fifth year in University of Chile. We have seven cats, their names are: Matea, Pucky, Charlie, Curi-curi, Waldo, Lily and Mónica. We as family love the cats.
I was born in Puente Alto. I lived in La Pintana and actually I live in San Bernardo. I 23 years old. I decided to be vegan ago two years and I stopping eating meat ago four years because I love the animals.
See you!