Friday 28 June 2019

See you (post 10)

Hi everybody how are you? I am very stressed with the semester term since I have too many tests. I suppose you do too.
This is the last post and I want to make an account of my experience blogging: well, I had never used a blog although I had read them before. The truth was a good experience because the teacher gave us entertaining topics and it was interesting to also meet her. In addition classmates are from different races and generations, so it is interesting to know them through their stories in the blogs we wrote. I also liked the idea of ​​writing a bit about myself because I feel I have a lot to say. I hope that you have been able to understand the love I have for animals and respect for the planet and that they can share it.
I am also happy to stop writing blogs because sometimes I felt lazy writing hahah for example now I would like to be sleeping :) yesterday I forgot to write the post 9 just for being sleeping :( the semester term has me very tired.
I hope everyone can approve their bouquets and have a good holiday. See you soon!

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