Thursday 18 April 2019

My dream

Hi classmates and teacher:

In this post I talk about my dream's child. When I was 10 years old I rescue a baby dog from the street.  I take care of them but this dog was very sick. Finally the dog die. From then on I rescued and adopted a lot of cats and dogs because I discovered my love for the animals. Since I decided study veterinary medicine. When I go to high school, I thought if I study veterinary medicine, I don't has sufficient money for live because I want help the animals not collect for that. Then I decided to study  a "green" career. In first option was Ingenería en medio ambiente, but in PSU 2013 I don't has a sufficient score. In 2014 I take PSU again but my score was not sufficient again. Then I looked others careers. I finally decided to study Agriculturist in University of Chile.
My dream for the animals it's living in me today. I want to study Tecnical veterinay when I finish the agriculturist career.

Wednesday 17 April 2019

My autobiography

Hi bloggers: this is my autobiography. I'll leave talking about my family. My mom's  name is María and my dad's name is Luis. I has a sister her name is Mariam. My sister is 21 years old actually and she study Computing. I study agriculturist, this is my fifth year in University of Chile. We have seven cats, their names are: Matea, Pucky, Charlie, Curi-curi, Waldo, Lily and Mónica. We as family love the cats.
I was born in Puente Alto. I lived in La Pintana and actually I live in San Bernardo. I 23 years old. I decided to be vegan ago two years and I stopping eating meat ago four years because I love the animals.
See you!